Are you ready to become your magnetic confident self?

Yes, I'm in! 

Download my Confidence Bible TODAY

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Use my unique framework to:

  • Get instant access to this 20+ page fillable workbook complete with prompts and confidence-boosting quotes!
  • Learn how I boost my own confidence and get myself hyped up daily!
  • Uncover my step-by-step process to living your most confident and self-assured life!
  • Learn how to care less about what others think and be your true, authentic self!
  • Get closer to your highest version of self!
Give me the goods!

You are the key to your confidence

People often feel like the more we achieve in life, the more confident we will become. This is true to a certain degree, well, in fact, itโ€™s not so much what we achieve, but the more we try, the more confident we become, but how to get ourselves to even try? This initial confidence has to come from somewhere right? Right, and where it comes from it getting yourself into a state of love, pride, and admiration for where you are right now. It's taking a look at who you have become at this point in your life and realizing how extraordinary you actually are.

Confidence is an ever-evolving journey and the development of it is one that you will be on forever.

Overcoming the limiting stories that you are not enough is learning to love yourself is what is going to get you closer to your highest, most confident self!

    Meet Erin!

    Iโ€™m Erin Henry ๐Ÿ‘‹๐Ÿผ, the founder of the Game Changer Company, multiple-6-figure entrepreneur, business and mindset coach, YouTube Content Creator, Leopard Print enthusiast, Motorbike rider, Muay Thai student, and all-round lover of squeezing every bit of zest of life possible (oh and Queen songs, I LOVE queen songs). - Yep I'm multipassionate.

    Multiple passions aside, my number one mission in life is getting people to just SHOW UP in their life and in their business. In the words of Nike "to JUST DO IT" - to just work through what's holding them back and start taking action.

    I have worked with hundreds of female entrepreneurs all over the world, and I am obsessed with understanding why some people take action, and others simply don't... What I know for sure is it's a combination of mindset, self belief and also... accountability.

    The Game Changer Co. | Copyright 2019